Drafting a Parenting Plan for the Service Member
By including special provisions in the Permanent Parenting Plan Order, the service member’s time with the child is maximized and the parent/

Domestic Violence in the Military
Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is credited with the phrase, “the purpose of the military is to kill people and break things.” Or put...

Why is Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) used for Child Support?
In Tennessee, BAH is included in income in determining child support. Tennessee’s child support law is based on what is referred to as an...

What is Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)?
Basic Allowance for Housing, or BAH, is nontaxable money paid on a monthly basis to a sevice member to compensate the service member for...

Don’t Depend on a JAG Officer for Divorce Advice
JAG Officers are great. They are attorneys knowledgeable in areas involving the Code of Military Justice and are responsible for...