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Our Experience

When facing a divorce or other family law matter involving military issues, it is essential to hire an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in the complexities involved in such cases. Attorney R. Linley Richter, Jr. has been handling divorce and family law cases for over twenty-five years and has handled a number of family law cases involving military issues. He has the knowledge and experience to handle any issues that arise in your case.

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), was enacted in 2003 to protect people entering the military as well as service members called to active duty and service members who have been deployed. Many of the provisions contained in SCRA can be applied to protect service members who are going through a divorce . . .


Service members are often required to put service to country ahead of self and family. As a result, a military parent can feel penalized when involved in child custody disputes. In fact, courts are required to consider the stability of a parent’s home when making custody decisions. This often results in service members getting much less time . . .


In Tennessee, each parent is responsible for financially supporting their children. Child support in Tennessee is generally based on each parent’s relative income and the comparative amount of time each parent spends with the children. Other factors such as daycare expenses and health insurance premiums also affect . . . 


If the divorced spouse of a service member does not qualify under the 20/20/20 Rule, all is not lost. If the marriage and the years of service did not overlap for twenty years, the service member's spouse may still qualify for continued health care benefits through Tricare for a limited period of time under the 20/20/15 Rule. . . .


Military service has certain benefits. The most important benefit for most service members is likely the opportunity to retire and receive a military retirement. In most cases, a service member is eligible for retirement after twenty years of service. . . .



The Survivor Benefit Plan (SPB) is available to service members as a protection for certain family members and former spouses in the event of the service member's death.

There are strict time requirements that must be met in order to properly secure the benefits . . .


Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)

The 10/10 Rule is perhaps one of the most misunderstood concepts in military divorce law. The 10/10 Rule has nothing to do with whether a spouse can receive a service member’s military retirement. Each state’s property division rules dictate how retirement is divided in a divorce case. In general, military retirement is handled . . .


Former spouses of military service members who do not qualify for Tricare benefits under the 20/20/20 Rule or the 20/20/15 Rule may still have an option available. 


The Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP), is akin to COBRA coverage and is . . . 


The law is dynamic. It is ever changing, and this is especially true in the area of family law. When the additional issues involved in military divorce are superimposed on the already active area of family law, it becomes even more complex. One way to keep up with changes in the area of military divorce is to subscribe to our Blog. . . .


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